
Jonesboro Chinese Baptist Church

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Mission Statement

The Jonesboro Chinese Baptist Church desires to be a family of Christ-centered baptized believers, whose foundation is the Word of God, and whose love for Jesus Christ and for one another overflows in joyful sharing of the good news and discipleship of new believers, equipping them for kingdom service.   Our target population is Mandarin speakers in the Jonesboro and surrounding communities, but we also seek opportunities to promote the Great Commission.

琼斯博罗華語浸信會希望成為一個以基督為中心受洗基督徒的家庭. 其基礎是神的話語 和門徒對主耶穌基督及主內弟兄姊妹滿溢的愛來宣傳福音及造就新门徒, 同時也预備他們來為神國服待. 我們的目標是居住在琼斯博罗和周圍社區講華語的人群,但我們也尋求機會向外宣教,以促進伟大使命。

Vision Statement

Our vision is to use our core values to reach and disciple Mandarin speakers in the Jonesboro & surrounding communities, equipping them to evangelize and disciple others wherever they may live. 


Core values/strategies are:


Caring/Loving, Family, Life Transforming, Worship, Joy/Peace, and Discipleship


1. Caring/Loving-  Our church seeks to demonstrate Christ’s love through hands on, tangible acts of caring and love, first to members of our church and then to those of our target group.  As we are made aware of needs among those in our group and those who are not yet members, we will try to minister to those in need and meet that need.  (John 13:35 By this shall all men know that you are my disciples-that you have love for one another.)

1. 关怀/--我们的教堂会试着去说明耶稣的爱,通过可触及的关怀和爱的行为,首先对我们教堂的成员然后是我们的目标群体。因为我们能意识到我们群体成员和非成员的需求,我们会尽力去帮助那些有需要的,并尽量达成他们的需求。(约翰福音 13:35 你们若有彼此相爱的心,众人因此就认出你们是我的门徒了。)

2. Family-We are the “family of God”.  Because many in our church are separated from family members due to jobs or education, we seek to demonstrate a strong sense of family among our members and those who may visit.   We may achieve this by having regular fellowship meals at church or in homes, by participating in outings together as a family would, or meeting with one or two families to discuss areas of concern.  (1 Peter 3:8 Live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.)

2. 家庭--我们是“上帝的家庭”。很多我们教堂的成员因为工作和学习的原因都和家人分开了,我们试图向我们的成员和可能来参加的人展示一种强的家庭关系。通过在教堂和家里举办有规律的团契餐,通过一起参加家庭式的户外聚会,以及与一到两个家庭讨论他们所关心的方面来达到我们的目标。(彼得前书 3:8 总而言之,你们都要同心,彼此体恤,相爱如弟兄存慈怜谦卑的心。)

3. Life Transforming-Our church seeks to communicate God’s word to the lost, so they may have a life transforming encounter with Jesus Christ and will seek to conform their mind to the mind of Christ.  (2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come!) (Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.)

3.  生活转变--我们教堂试图用上帝的话语来联系那些迷失者,如此他们的生活可能会有一个转变,会和耶稣基督相遇,而后试着去将他们的心意转变到与耶稣的心意相同。(哥林多后书5:17 若有人在基督里,他就是新造的人,旧事已过,都变成新的了!)(罗马书12:2 不要效法这个世界,只要心意更新而变化。)

4.  Worship-Our church seeks to worship God each time we meet together.  These expressions of worship may include singing, prayer, hearing the word of God, giving, quiet meditation, baptism, participating in the Lord’s supper, and commitment.  (Psalms 95:6-7a O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our maker.  For He is our God.)

4. 礼拜--每次聚会,我们教堂会敬拜上帝。这些敬拜的表述会包含唱歌,祈祷,聆听上帝的话语,奉献,静思,受洗,参与主的晚餐,以及承诺。(诗篇95:6-7 来啊,我们要屈身敬拜,在造我们的耶和华面前跪下。因为他是我们的神。)

5. Joy/Peace- Our church seeks to express true spiritual happiness, the peace of God that is in our hearts, and unity among our members.   (Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.)

5. 喜乐/平安--我们教堂试图去传达真正的精神快乐,上帝的平安在我们的心中,以及我们的成员的团结一致。(罗马书15:13 但愿使人有盼望的神,因信将诸般的喜乐平安充满你的心,使你藉着圣灵的能力大有盼望。)

6. Discipleship-Our church seeks to make disciples of all members; leading them to maturity in Christ and in service to God’s kingdom.  (Matthew 28:19-20 Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.)

6. 弟子--我们教堂努力让所有的成员成为信徒;领导他们在基督和对上帝的服务中成熟起来。(马太福音28:19-20 所以,你们要去,使万民做我的门徒,奉父、子、圣灵的名给他们施洗。凡我所吩咐你们的,都教训他们遵守。)



我来的目的是要使他们得生命,而且是丰丰富富的生命。  约翰福音:10:10

耶稣说:我就是道路,真理,生命;要不是藉着我,没有人能到父亲那里去。  约翰福音:14:6